Saturday, November 30, 2013

We Forgot To Mention...

We should have said... Sign up to Write & Sketch in Spain and fly into Picasso's hometown and museum in Malaga. Or fly into Gibraltar airport, an easy skip across the sea from London. Malaga and Gibraltar are only a short distance to the workshop site in Spain's stunning Andalucia region. 

The seaside setting is private. It's remote... so perfect for tapping into your creativity and picking up tools and techniques to take your writing to a place it's never been. 

What do you call this workshop? 

  • Call it an experience
  • Call it an adventure
  • Call it inspiring and educational 
  • Call it something you deserve to do  

Click on over to and see what's crammed into a unique two-day workshop. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Take Your Writing To A Whole New Place

Releasing your creativity when you write is like opening Pandora’s Box--all kinds of horribleness jumps out... but hope jumps out, too. 

In one session at the Write & Sketch in Spain work-shop, you’ll write non-stop and be surprised, amazed and dazzled at what leaps onto the page.

And there’s no need to fret if you see a little horribleness. You’ll fix it with writing tools & techniques you learn at the workshop. 

Begin a long-lasting, productive relationship at the Write & Sketch in Spain workshop. It'll be the stuff that stories are made of. 

Get the scoop at Save your seat in an international community of 10 writers and take your writing to a place it's never been. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Just Bragging!

There are a couple of guys in my closet today. They're Google guys installing seriously hi-speed Google Fiber for internet and HDTV. We're the first city (Kansas City) to get this service--and we're bragging. 

But here's the real reason for this post. Excitement is building for our Write & Sketch in Spain workshop, coming up in six months (May 9-10, 2014). Join an international community of ten writers in the stunning Andalucia region of Spain. Call it an experience. Call it an adventure. Call it inspiring and educational. Call it crazy fun. Call it something you deserve to do. 

Here's a small sample of what's crammed into a two-day workshop:
Early on Day I, you'll Unlock the Door to Your Story, then move on to this: 

Who's That Knocking On The Door? 

Meet the people who populate your story. Characters--the angelic to the eccentric (and their rich or rowdy friends)--will clamor to get in and be part of the drama, action and romance. Be forewarned: creating a major character is major work. Who are your characters? Will they be complex, exotic, unconventional or troublesome enough to move your story forward? Yes, they will! You’ll make them so. Or out they go.
Get details at
Then send us your questions and we'll save your seat: