Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Counting the months 'till Spain

This Week's POV:
He took everything that made him weird as a kid... and got people to pay money for it as an adult. 

That's been said about a guy named Tim Miles--and what he does (for love and money) is WRITE. We know that you (or the weird kid in you) wants to write, too. That's why you're invited to join our international community of 10 writers on the Southern Tip of Spain (May 9-10, 2014). It's only 8 months 'till then. 

We can't promise people will pay you for what you write--some writers make buckets of money... some make a little... some none at all. But we promise that writing is rewarding in more ways than one. (It's a lot like working out at the gym. Hard to do, but it feels great). 

On his website, The Daily Blur, Tim Miles blogs every morning before breakfast. He starts the day by sharing bright ideas, philosophy and insights. He says what he appreciates most are long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships. Relationships that work. 

We do, too. So we'll save a seat for you at our Write & Sketch in Spain workshop. Let's begin our long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationship. It'll be the stuff that stories are made of. 

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